Tuesday, June 3, 2014

"there are bloody floors, prison rooms, and scriptions on the windows to make a body's hair stand on end"

Woah it has been a crazy time. Sorry it has been so long since my last post.  My church (and the surrounding town) had its annual fair and I was part of that.
The bit about the tarot card reader---That was me. I'm generally quite shy about saying I read tarot cards, but after years of nagging, I finally got talked into it. Only had one guy who ranted about a tarot reader at a church charity and witchcraft and how I am EVIIIILLL.

 I always enjoy being evil. My greatest delight was the job where some of my coworkers would make the sign of the cross when I went past. Not kidding.

But all of this is not about Castle of Wolfenbach!

It starts off as all good gothic novels should. There is a storm, peasants who must take in a fine lady fatigued with weakening spirits. There is a haunted castle just up the way that is inhabited only by an old couple, left behind as caretakers of this otherwise abandoned place. The peasant wife tries to warn the fine lady of going there by telling terrible and vague stories. And the fine lady feels she must go there because obviously buckets of blood are preferable to a nice, safe peasant cottage with a bed on the floor.

It took Radcliffe an entire volume and too much poetry to get to this sort of scene.

P.S. No one has fainted yet though. C'mon Eliza. Hurry it up!

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