I'm looking forward to reading Leavenworth Case, but waiting until tomorrow. From Breadcrumb Reads I learned about the Bout of Books. I don't think I'll be doing it this time around having already made my plans and I'm not putting off Anna Katherine Green. Nope. Tomorrow I'm sitting down and having my own bout of book. But I'm telling you all about it in case you want to sign up. I think I might do the one in August.
The other thing is some of the other bloggers had a picture along the side of their blogs that is Which Austen Heroine Are You? I had to take it. And I FAILED!!!!!!!
I got this:
What is wrong with this picture? It's not Catherine! I didn't try to skew the answers or anything. But seriously, I have no idea how that one ended up like that. I'll have to retake it.
Okay. Back to homework for me so that I can guiltlessly read about murder tomorrow.
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