Thursday, May 22, 2014

"'Well,' said he, 'this is unexpected, but not wholly unwelcome.'"

Done. Though it took me a bit longer than expected with the real life stuff.  I know who the murderer is, what all the Terrible Secrets are, and that I like Ebenezer Gryce.

Especially how he has a tendency to not actually look at anyone and therefore emotes to buttons, doorknobs, and random flies.

But he's really paying full attention and missing nothing.

He's a quiet character, not given to the dramatics and opium habits of Sherlock Holmes, which might be why Gryce is forgotten, but he is entirely up to the trickery. I am hoping the gentleman narrator is not the narrator for all the Gryce books. In fact I hope the gentleman narrator never shows up again.

But, when I think about it, part of the fun was watching Gryce out think and continually shock and annoy the narrator.

So maybe he wasn't so bad...

Maybe if it was in third person the narrator--who wouldn't be the narrator then and I would be forced to remember his name--wouldn't have annoyed me so much. But honestly, there may be some good points to chivalry being dead.

                                                 ...................Or maybe not.


  1. That spider.... I will be dreaming about that spider tonight! :s

    1. Yes! It freaked me a bit, so I had to put it in. At least it is a very polite spider. :)
