Wednesday, April 16, 2014

"A well-informed mind is the best security against the contagion of folly and vice."

So says M. St. Aubert.

I like that line. Alas! I haven't gotten much further than that yet. Yesterday was the last day of tax season and I met myself coming and going. So far, it's a slow start, with a little tension.
Who is mysteriously playing Emily's lute and writing sonnets to her on the walls?
Why will Madame St. Aubert never walk those hills again?
How many times can Radcliffe use the word 'gloom' in one chapter?

M. St. Aubert and family are so good and virtuous I want to smack them, and clearly the aunt and uncle are frivolous, stupid, and maybe even evil, so we know there will be trouble.

So I will read on to find out why, "Alas! Madame St. Aubert knew not that she left [those hills] forever." But right now the story is kind of moving like this:

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