Monday, April 28, 2014

"(*See the Abbe Berthelon on Electricity. [A.R.])"

That is a footnote. A freaking footnote! On science!

In the story there have been some things that look like flames on the weapons of the guards and bandits that everyone thinks this is an Omen of Death.

So right now Emily is being dragged through the woods in a lightning storm by two murderers and the pike of one starts with the blue flame thing. One murderer and Emily freak out about the omen and the other guy says he's not superstitious and that the seeming blue flame actually has to do with the storm and the lightning and the metal of the weapon. Which Radcliffe then backs up with said footnote!*

Which is so amazingly awesome to me that I had to tell. Never expected this. Wow.

Okay. Enough. I need to get back to reading because there are storms and murderers dragging Emily away from the castle and any help and darkness coming on fast.

*See title of post

1 comment:

  1. Right this moment I am reading the same book. Saw the "footnote", Googled it, found this blog. Cool.
    What tops your list of Why This Novel is Horrid?
